Month: October 2008



    My favorite song from MARIAH’s E=MC2 album, ” I Stay In Love” has just
    been released as a single, and the video premiered this week.  The vid was directed by her husband, Nick Cannon, and I shuddered with ghetto fear when I heard that.  But guess what….it’s classic, tasteful, and better than all her previous videos from this album.  It’s a beautiful black & white feature with hot Vegas vistas, hot showgirl costumes, hot corvette convertible, a hot shirtless dude, and a classic hot Mariah power ballad.  I stay in love with MC.  WATCH THE VID.


    October is almost over and I’ve barely blogged.  zoinks!  Here’s a photOctoberblog:

    Last weekend we stopped at a roadside pumpkin patch & corn field in Long Island on the way home from visiting Michael’s brother Phil & Heather.  There was a Corn Maze there.  An actual scary corn maze.  I joked that we should enter the corn maze, and bubby pulled over because he wanted me to confront my lifelong “Children of the Corn” fears.  Then we saw that it was $7 to enter the maze.  If I wanted to pay $7 to die, I’d eat 2 packs of Oscar Mayer bacon.  Instead we strolled the country haymarket, picked up phallic gourds and squash, and had cider. 
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    We had a sleepover at Phil & Heathers with their kitties.  Here’s new kitty Sasha, a near-dead ringer for my own kitty, Molli.

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    So cute and playful!  My new niece-kitty.

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    My kiddies:  Molli (we call her Kiddoo) & Wolli (we call him Wuzzy).  I don’t know why we bothered naming them.  Their names don’t stick.

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    A visit last week with my gays (Bennifer, Aaron, Keith) to Max Brenner Chocolate shop produced these decadent results:  Banana Hazelnut crepe with vanilla ice cream; and Banana Bread with an awaiting vial of chocolate syrup.

    Classic NY Cheesecake with raspberry puree (in that vial).  Scrumptdiddlyumptious!

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    Finally, as the weather turns to frost, I’m faced with dismantling my once-gorgeous balcony garden.  I realized I never posted pics of my award-winning balcony-scape from this spring & summer. 

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    Instead of the usual geraniums and petunias, I went with succulent Gerber Daisies. 
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    I purchased grown Gerber Daisy plants and repotted them.  They lasted from May thru September and I’ve been so happy with their outdoor performance.  They withstand direct sun for the whole day, and their vibrant colors can be seen from blocks away.

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    ….MY NEPHEW!  My mundane frivolous life took a backseat two weeks ago when baby Tyler Avery was born.  He came at the perfect time, making me appreciate the truly good things in life.  But enough about me.  My brother Yud & Rosa are brand new parents, oh so happy, and loving their beautiful little boy!

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    Tyler arrived way before schedule.  He was supposed to be a mid-Oct baby, but made his debut in late Sept.  He just couldn’t wait to start having fun, and our whole fambly couldn’t have been happier for it.  At two weeks old, he’s not even 7 lbs yet.  On this visit, he was wide awake for us and couldn’t take his eyes off whomever was holding him.  Only fair because none of us can take our eyes off this little bundle of major cuteness.

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    Daddy & Mommy love baby Tyler.  They have totally embraced parenthood and make it look easy (so far!)

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    Uncles love baby Tyler.  We can’t wait to spoil him!

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    Uncle Mikey was so good with him.  He totally has the discipline daddy gene. 

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    I try to visit every week if not more.  I’m holding here at one week old.  (side note:  no, Blair Waldorf’s minions didn’t throw a Nair-tini on my head.  I had all my hair chopped off last week and it feels liberating). 

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    Buddie is getting used to his new little brother, sniffing him every chance he gets.  He’s adjusting to not being the center of attention anymore.  It’s a rough life, Buds.

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    Such a total cutie!!!  I heart my neph!!!